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09 March 2016

How to Hack Facebook By Phishing Scam Via Wapka

Today We are back with a Facebook Hacking Trick. this trick is Working 100%.
We Are  going to teach you how to set up the Phishing site, which is the Difficult task than making a Phishing site.

As we all want to hack our friend facebook account,and want to read all his personal things.

Today i m gonna teach you how to hack a facebook account with a phishing page.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is attempting to acquire information (and sometimes, indirectly, money) such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication . Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing or instant messaging,and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel  are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering  techniques used to deceive users,  and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies.  Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents includelegislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.
today we create a facebook phishing page which look similar to a facebook page but it's not actually a facebook page,when victim enter his username and password you will be able to see that.Interesting.

 Facebook Phishing Via Wapka Easy Step.

Follow These Step:-

πŸ‘‰ Register a new Wapka Account
First create a new wapka account by Clicking Here.

πŸ‘‰ Now login to your account and go to (Site List) and create a new site.

πŸ‘‰ Now you have 2 modes availabe, Click on Admin mode.

πŸ‘‰As you click on Admin mode you redirects to a Blank page.
it’s blank because till now you do nothing to your newly created site.
At the Lower right most corner you have a link ::EDIT SITE(#):: click on it.

πŸ‘‰Now click on – (WML/XHTML code).On clicking it you have window.

πŸ‘‰ For Wml/Xhtml Code We Have Some Codes..
1.Original facebook Phishing Code Click Here

2.Facebook Account Secrity Phishing Code Click Here.

Copy all the code and paste it into (WML/XHTML code) box and click on Submit button.

πŸ‘‰It’s all over now send your site link which was created at Step 2 to your victim.
As your victim login to your page his/her E-mail and Password sends to your E-mail by which you have created your account at wapka at first step.

✔This is Only For Educational Purpose.

✔Please don't use this trick for any illegal works.

✔Hacking is a Cyber Crime.
We Are Not Responsible for Anything Happen Wrong With You By Using this tricks in any illegal Purpose.

We Hope You Understand.....

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